Dimmers and Switches: Replace traditional light switches with ones that have attractive, back-lit buttons putting lighting control at your finger tips. These switches work over
existing house wiring for easy installation in renovations, retrofits, and upgrades.
Lamp Module: Control any lamp up to 300 watts, including setting scenes with it. Just plug a lamp into the lamp module and the lamp module into an electrical outlet.
Appliance Module: Control loads up to 15 Amps, general purpose, 1/2 horsepower, including setting scenes with it. Just plug an appliance into the appliance module and the appliance
module into an electrical outlet.
Scene Switch: Set a lighting scene with the push of one button! Control all lights in a room or area. Lights may be turned on, off, dimmed, brightened, and set to four different scenes
to provide limitless options for both security and aesthetic lighting in your home. The buttons on this switch may be custom engraved so that you may "name" the scene that each button controls.
Scene Switches have an integrated infrared sensor and its buttons may be activated by a remote control.
Scene Switches can be placed into a table top cradle that plugs directly into any electrical outlet. This table top cradle allows for convenient control of your scenes from a bedside
nightstand, on desk in a home office, or next to your favorite chair