Rooftop Unit Connections
Each rooftop unit is labeled Top along one long edge
When facing the front of the unit, the cable on the right side is a male cable, and the cable on the left is a female cable
Lay out units so that each male side matches up with the female side of the adjacent module.
Male and female cables extend approximately 2 feet from unit
Extension cables are available
Click image for larger view
Plan Layout of SystemINSTALLATION
Plan layout of system
Solar Panel Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
Photovoltaic systems use solar cells to capture the sun rays and convert that energy into electricity
Such systems allow homeowners to generate electricity in a clean, reliable, and quiet way
These systems can offset the cost of future electricity costs and decrease dependence on the energy grid
Photovoltaic cells are generally made from modified silicon, or other semi conductive materials, that absorb and convert sunlight into electricity
Photovoltaic cells are long lasting
The basic technology behind solar electric systems is proven and reliable, with widespread testing and usage in power generation for over 50 years
Click image for larger view
EZ Solar PanelsWhy Solar?
Solar electric (photovoltaic) systems are good for the environment
Solar electric systems cleanly generate electricity from the ultimate renewable source - sunlight
The system has no moving parts
Require minimal maintenance
Will produce power for more than 25 years!
A grid-tied solar electric system reduces:
the amount of electricity that you purchase from your utility
offers protection from rising electric rates
The power from a solar electric system is cleaner and more sustainable than electricity from traditional utility sources
Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit
30% of net system cost for solar energy systems. (Like a cash rebate)
additional rebates may be available from your state or utility.
Click image for larger view
MODULAR SOLAR PANELSModular Solar Panel Benefits:
In addition to reduced installation costs, the unique Modular Solar Panel design offers homeowners distinct performance and aesthetic benefits:
Microinverters convert DC electricity into AC at each panel
This feature reduces losses due to shading
Increases production by up to 25%
Makes the systems safer
Eliminates unsightly exterior wall mounted inverters and DC disconnects
The sleek and patented frame makes systems look like dark skylights on a roof
One year of web-based performance monitoring is included at no cost
Easy to start small and add more power later
Click image for larger view
HOW IT WORKSHow Solar Electric Systems Work
Solar Electric or photovoltaic (PV) systems produce electricity
A solar system is a chain of devices that takes power from one source (the sun) and makes it usable in your home.
All of the pieces of your solar power system need to work together
When they do work together you are able to:
reduce your energy costs
See lower utility bills every month
help the environment
make a serious contribution to a realistic, sustainable future
With a solar panel system you'll:
Own your own clean, reliable energy
Increase your home's value
Modular Solar Panels Grid-Tied Home Solar Energy Systems are:
Pre-assembled all AC solar electric system
Design makes it easy to install additional modular solar panels. Just plug in
Wiring and grounding complete
No DC disconnects or inverter installation requirements
A DC disconnect isolates your array output from your inverter
If there is a power outage at your utility, your solar system will continue producing power and could actually feed power into the grid while utility crews work to resolve the power outage.
Fewer shading issues due to micro-inverters
Higher performance under partially shaded conditions
Pre-installed micro-inverters automatically convert solar modules DC power to AC
Designed to sell excess power back to the utility company
Pre-assembled all AC solar electric system Design makes it easy to install additional modular solar panels. Just plug in |