PowerPlys front sheet of DuPont fluoropolymer and FRP substrate yield a module that is both light weight and durable. At only 1.8 lbs/sq ft (8.8 kgs/sq meter), Lumeta PowerPly is 50% lighter than traditional rack mounted and ballasted systems. The low, 0.4 in (1 cm) height module also minimizes potential water ponding issues.
Lumeta utilizes monocrystalline cells to maximize energy output per roof area, and a standard EVA based cell encapsulation process. The fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) substrate in the PowerPly design provides needed rigidity to the module, replacing the TPT (Tedlar?/ Polyester /Tedlar?) flexible substrate used in traditional modules. This high efficiency technology is enhanced by Lumetas adhesive backing material, which eliminates the need for rack mounting systems, yielding seamless integration with the roof. The adherence properties of this adhesive material exceed all wind uplift requirements for roof mounted modules, and its chemical composition is compatible with most roofing surfaces. This direct roof application reduces installation time by about 50% and Balance of System (BOS) costs by up to 70%.