Do not be fooled by discount suppliers with sub-quality panels and fake certificates! Our panels are of the highest efficiency in the market, complete with ALL government certificates.
We offer mono-crystalline and poly-crystalline panels that are made with the highest quality TUV and UL certified raw materials. Our panels boast a positive power tolerance ( - 0% + 3 ) and offer a
very competitive warranty. 10 year product workmanship warranty, a 12 year power warranty for performance of not less than 90% of the nominal power, and finally a 25 year power warranty for
performance of not less than 80% of nominal power.
Our manufacturing process has been ISO 9001:2008 certified, and are currently in the process of getting IEC 61216, IEC 61730 and UL 1703 certified. Holistic Structure has the capacity to do large
scale projects up to 50 megawatts, or as little as 10 kilowatts.
High efficiency panels, complete with ALL government certificates. Reserve yours today for the new Feed-In Tariff Program!
Max. Power: | various |
Number of Cells: | various |
Size: | various |
Material: | Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Silicon |
Model Number: | various |
Brand Name: | Holistic Structure |