Thank you
Please contract us if your in the market
Packing Plastic drums with 200 liter each, 4 drums per pallet
Weight 200 +/- 10 kg per drum
Foreign substances Material can contain any kind of foreign substances.
Not specified
Discolourations and
Surface morphology,
Surface condition Not specified / Further processing (sorting and etching) required before use for solar
Parameter Notes
- 0 400 mm - -
Size Length Weight Notes
a resistivity greater than 1 Ohm*cm
Resistivity typical great than 1 Ohm*cm Given our production flow we expect
Parameter Values and Units Notes
3. Purity
feed stock gas.
The delivered silicon chips are produced by Siemens method using trichlorosilane (TCS, SiHCl3) as
2. Production Method
supersedes all the previous.
1.3 This SPECIFICATION sets acceptance and rejection criteria for all incoming polysilicon material, and
change to take effect unless otherwise mutually agreed.
party will give notice to the other party at least 90 days prior to the date upon which it wishes such
1.2 In case that either CUSTOMER or WACKER wishes to change all or part of SPECIFICATION, such
1.1 This SPECIFICATION describes requirements for polysilicon material, which is purchased by
1. Material of Specification and Application
We have Solar Grade Poly Chips for sale month of July
Polycrystalline Chips
We have Solar Grade Poly Chips for sale month of July
Wacker Polycrystalline Chips
High Res U$D 60./kg CIF any port.
Material: | Polycrystalline Silicon |
Place of Origin: | Austria |