SW 50 mono/R5A
Edition: October 2007
With Sunmodule SW 50 mono/R5A, SolarWorld presents a solar energy module,
which is ideally suitable for the requirements of smaller applications to be performed
off-grid. The highest demands with regard to manufacturing quality and the many
years of SolarWorld's practical experience guarantee the solar power module's long
life span. The module is capable of reliably supplying power even under the most
difficult climatic conditions.
Typical areas of application for the module are anywhere, where electric power is
needed quickly and flexibly and supply from a power grid is not available.
Because of its compact dimensions and the solid workmanship of its aluminium
frame, it can be mounted easily and flexibly. The water repellent junction box
allows the modules to be connected easily and safely and facilitates a simple and
quick installation process.
SW 50 mono/R5A Edition: October 2007 With Sunmodule SW 50 mono/R5A, SolarWorld presents a solar energy module, |