1. Transformer 1? 1KVA Capacity, Primary: 230V(tapings at 86.6%,50%), Secondary: 115V ? Two numbers
2. Suitable Loading rheostat for the above single phase ? two numbers
3. Suitable Variac ? three phase
4. Suitable digital ammeters of different ratings AC
5. Suitable digital voltmeters of different ratings AC
6. Suitable digital wattmeter
Equipment Required: All the measuring instruments associated with each experiment are industrial grade. These instruments are housed in an elegant cabinet as a package. Range of instruments and accessories (standard format)
have ?3N1/2 (teaser) and N1 turns;this would mean equal voltage / turn in each transformer. A balanced two phase supply could then be easily obtained by having both secondaries with equal number of turns N2. The point M is located midway on the primary of the transformer connected across the lines B & C. The connection of two such transformers, known as the Scott Connection, is shown in Fig with its phasor diagram of two phase supply in the secondary.
The concept of 3phase to 2-phase connection follows from the voltage phasor diagram of balanced 3-phase supply. If the point M midway on Vbc could be located then VAM leads Vbc by 900. A 2-phase
supply could be thus obtained by means of two transformers; one connected across AM, called the teaser transformer and the other connected across the lines B &C. Since VAM = ?3Vbc/2, the
transformer primaries must
Objective: To obtain Two-phase supply from Three-phase and to conduct load test.
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