VULCAN voltage boosters are basically users own step-up transformers to serve their individual needs and a simple and cost effective way out of the above impasse.
VULCAN voltage boosters are primarily designed to raise very low input voltage to the required level of output voltage. To be used by other devices like submersible pumps. Normally, we should get 415 volts line to line AC 3 phase power every where. However, in many places due to various as low as 200 volts line to line AC 3 phase power is made available to the farms and remote semi urban industries rendering them crippled to use any power at all.
All types of electrical equipments, appliances or gadgets like submersible pumps, mono blocks, three phase motors, special electrical equipments used in factories, tube lights, fans and similar
items are designed to work properly on a specific voltage level only. Too low and too high voltage certainly disrupts the use and may cause damage or failure.
VULCAN three phase voltage boosters are applied with an objective of using three phase power safely and property by increasing the
voltage as needed in areas where low voltage is a chronically servere problem.