Best Regards
We will not beable to give support to the transformer designing requests from Turkey,however, we will respond to the requests from all the countries other thanTurkey.
Our quotes uponyour project requests will be proportional to the number of the projects thatyou will send us within 1-month period; for example, our quote for a companythat will request 6 projects in a month will be more low-priced than a companythat will request 1 project in a month.
Our electricalengineer designer, who has a 28-year experience in transformer designing, has been still working in this sector and had worked in R&D department of one of the most important companies in this sector for more than 5 years. Also, the company that he gave support with his own designs was granted the certificate manufacturing competence by the international referee companies, thus it can participate in very significant biddings, can tender and win it. In addition,we have been offering the know-how information about Dry Type Transformers. Youcan contact us in this issue.
Transformerdesigning is a very critical and special branch of electrical engineering. If you do not have adequate knowledge and experience in transformer designing,then it is probable that your prices which you quote to your customers may be below your margin because of a small mistake, or that you may even lose money when it is possible to make a profit with a better design.
4- We have also been offering the know-howinformation about Dry Type Transformers.
3- Furnace Transformers (up to 15000 kVA)
2- Power Transformers (2500 kVa to 25000 kVA)
1- Oil-Immersed Distribution Transformers / HermeticallySealed or with Storage 25 kVA to 25000 kVA
We have beenoffering three-phase transformer designing service. These transformers are:
Dear Sir / Madam
Three-PhaseTransformer Designing
Dear Sir / Madam We have beenoffering three-phase transformer designing service. |