Available also 5000Kva, 2500Kva, 1500Kva, 1000Kva, 750Kva, 500Kva
Untanking Weight 8,399 lbs. Tank and Fittings 4,605 lbs. Total Weight 18,265 lbs.
Pressure Relief Device
Pressure Vacuum Gauge
Liquid Level Gauge with Contacts
Dial-Type Thermometer with Contacts
Drain and sample valve
Impedance (%Z) 6.7 Gallons 711 Fluid Status F
Class OA HV Conductor CU LV Conductor CU
Frequency 60 Configuration dead/radial Temp Rise 65
Taps 1: 27720 2: 27060 3: 26400 4: 25740 5: 25080
kVA 3000 HV 26400 D BIL 150 LV 480 Y 277 BIL 30
3 Phase Padmount Transformer FOB USA. NEW or Refurbish
3 Phase Padmount Transformer kVA 3000 HV 26400 D BIL 150 LV 480 Y 277 BIL 30 FOB USA, Available also 5000Kva, 2500Kva, 1500Kva |