Since its inception the company has worked with perservarance to strike a synthesis between Technical innovations and need of its customers. 'PSAW' constant interaction with its customers and help
understand their need and adopt manufacturing plans accordingly.
- Schools, Colleges, Universites, I.T.I.
- Polytechnique, Engineering Colleges.
- Pharmacy, Hospitals, Institutions and Reasearch Labs.
- Presion Heat control Equipments.
- Soil concert & testing instruments (Steels & alloy)
- Cement Conceret Aggegate Instuments.
- Bitumen Testing Apparatus.
- Pharmaceutical Equipments.
- Tablet/Liquid/Oniment/Capsule Section.
- Naomometric apparatus/Eye testing equipments.
Apparatus Workshops Pvt. Ltd. is an ISO 9002 company belongs to a fast growing 'PSAW' group of companies which was established in year 1974 at Ambala Cantt, a developing
Industrial town of Haryana. The group of companies is engaged in the manufacturing of wide range of Precision equipments for: