Noise cut-of transformers are designed with split winding construction and bifilar connections to reduce over all capacitance of the winding. |
Use of Faraday's unique box shielding and special techniques totally block the transfer of electric noise by static charge by way of Proximity of R.F. noises. |
The core and its magnetic properties are properly selected to exhibit sufficient leakage inductances to provide possible attenuation of normal mode power line noise, consistent with the transfer of fundamental power frequency. But all higher frequencies are blocked. |
The use of high content of special grade insulating material and special shielding techniques results in common mode attenuation and insulation resistance minimizing transverse mode noise. |
Due to the better regulation, it does not generate common mode impedance coupling effect. |
Technical Specifications
Design / Construction
Electrical noises can interfere in the operation of digital electronic equipments, transistors, Micro processors, sensitive devices, Remote Control equipments & Telecommunication equipments
KNEL Noise cut of Transformer eliminates all type of electrical noise, predominantly common mode noises. These transformers are available in different levels of noise attenuation capabilities.
Noise cut-of transformers are designed with split winding construction |