Servo Controlled Automatic Voltage Controller (Stabilizer)Voltage fluctuation is a common phenomenon in every part of the country. Automatic Voltage Controller (Stabilizer) is an equipment to obtain constant voltage tram flucfuating supply system. The industrial units running round the clock usually face the problem of low & high voltage. 90% of industrial load is of motors. Electric motors draw considerably high current at low & high voltage. This higher current affects the electric motors (particularly smaller capacity motors upto 7.5 H.P.) in these ways: . Higher current produce higher losses in Electric motors which cause premature failure of winding. Higher current produce higher losses in Electric motors which cause premature failure of winding. These higher current of Electric motors also increase losses of Cables, Switches, Transformer & other associated equipments. This higher current of Electric motors require 15-20% higher setting of over load relay to avoid frequent tripping of motor's starter. Higher set?ting of over load relays have very little safety margin against single phasing and over loading conditions. The installation of the stabilizer and maintaining 390/400 volts, the motor will operate smoothly drawing 15-20% lesser current and corresponding the relay setting can be reduced by 15-20%. In case single phasing occurs, the relay will trip in 40-50 seconds. The motor can withstand the high current for this period and will be safe. Also, the relays, contactors, switchgears , etc. incorporated with the motor will be safe. Description of
Servo Controlled Automatic Voltage Controller (Stabilizer) |