5. Events record function
It can record type, time and operating value (current value) of 128 events automatically.
4. Remote/Local Switch off /on
on-load-transformer-control rise/fall/stop/rapid stop.
3. Remote signal function
External remote signal: Switch signal such as switch position, breaker position, manual-switch position, accumulated energy state, gas, temperature and so on. The type of remote signal can be set
freely (locale configuration).
Events remote signal: Signal of slight gas, overtemperature, earthed, PT break, over-load, control loop break and so on
State of remote signal: Signal of protect action, device abnormal, remote signal changing, device reset and so on.
2. Telemtering function
All electric quantity use Fourier Algorithm to do AC sampling directly by high accuracy small PT and CT, which has high sampling accuracy and can measure the parameters of loop U, I, P, Q, COS, F,
kWh, kvarh and so on. And it can display measured primary actual value and accept measured value of transformer temperature from temperature transducer.
Standard Configuration:
1. Protection function
Three zone multi-voltage closedown over-current protection (with direction)
Low frequency decrease load (slip closedown, low current closedown)
Transformer ratio-differential protection(secondary harmonic break
Three zone current protection for bus coupler
Charge up protection for bus coupler
Protection of unbalance current with capacitor
Self heavy gas, Self slight gas
Voltage regulating heavy gas, voltage regulating slight gas
Over load protection
Over load closedown the OLTC(on-load-transformer-control)
Over current direction protection
Signal of release voltage, cooling fault, overtemperature and so on
Over/low voltage protection
Non-current/voltage protection
VT failure detection alarm
Earthed alarm
Sphere of application
Automatization function of transformer substation, pumping station, switching station control, protection, measure, and communication.
Transformer Substation Integrated Automation System, Power Plant Integrated Automation System |