Special(custom type) transformers like Furnace transformers, Rectifiertransformers, Earthing Transformers, Auto Transformers and othercustom built transformers are manufactured upto 63 MVA and 132 KVClass.
Specialtype transformers are mainly used in underground mines, power plants,industries etc.
Teslahas designed and supplied many transformers of all ranges and ratingsto its various clients to facilitate their needs. These transformershave been type tested at internationally accredited testing labs.
Teslascomplete automated design process can produce special customtransformers to the desired specification. These include no loadlosses, load losses, impedance voltage and KVA/MVA ratings. Thisenables the customer to specify his design criteria according to hisneeds at no extra cost.
Tesla has designed and supplied many transformers of all ranges and ratings to its various clients to facilitate their needs.