Indoor Resincast Current Transformers
Ring Type Resin cast current transformers upto 12KV.
Bar primary Resin cast current transformers upto 12KV.
Wound Primary Current Transformer upto 36KV.
Ring type and Bar primary Current Transformers are offered for higher ratios and wound primary is offered for lower ratios. Indoor CTs uses Epoxy as a standard insulating Medium. Epoxy Casting is
done under vacuum and it undergoes rigorous post curing procedure to impart high dielectric and mechanical strength to withstand fault current and avoid partial discharges. Double Bolt Termination
in both bar primary and Wound primary ensures that there is no loose contact even during high fault currents. Standard designs are available as per Industrial standards. But CT's of new des_ign can
also be done as per customers requirement.
Indoor Resincast Current Transformers |