State-of-the-ArtPotential Transformer Manufacturer Offering Top Quality atWholesale Prices is important. For Wye systems, the Potential Transformers primary rating should equal the system line-to-neutral voltage or the nearest higher standard size. For Delta systems, the Potential Transformers primary rating should equal the system line-to-line voltage. For all system configurations, the Potential Transformers secondary rating must be within the rated full scale range of the meter voltage inputs, typically 120 V. are used for many applications including to provide accurate voltages for meters used for billing industrial customer or utility companies. A is like a conventional transformer having primary and secondary windings. The primary winding is connected directly to the power circuit either between two phases or between one phase and ground, depending on the rating of the transformer and on the requirements of the application. Potential transformers are used to scale down the line to neutral voltage of a Wye system or the line-to-line-voltage of a Delta system to the rated input scale of the meter, which is typically 120V. Correct selection is very important when purchasing a for proper monitoring. For the Wye systems, the primary rating should equal the system line-to-neutral voltage or the nearest higher standard size. For the Delta systems, the primary rating should equal the system line-to-line voltage. In all configurations the secondary rating must be within the rated full scale range of the meter voltage inputs. Potential Transformer Step Up or Step Down Voltage & Provide Electrical Isolation Due to potential transformers' ability to step up or step down voltage and current, and provide electrical isolation they can be used to connected electrical instrumentation systems to high-voltage, high current power systems. If you want to accurately measure the voltage of a 13.8 kV power system, a very common voltage in industry, you would use a potential transformer because designing a voltmeter capable of directly measuring 13,800 volts AC would not be an easy task. Just the safety hazard of bringing 13.8 kV conductors into an instrument panel would be very dangerous. But by using a Now the voltmeter can read a precise fraction, or ratio, of the actual system voltage, its scale set to read as though it were measuring the voltage directly. These potential transformers keep the instrument voltage at a safe level and electrically isolates if from the power system. There is no direct connection between the power lines and the instrument or instrument wiring. To aid in precise voltage regulation, loading is kept to a minimum and the voltmeter is made to have high input impedance so as to draw as little current from the . In many cases a fuse is connected in series with the potential transformer primary winding, for safety and ease of disconnecting the potential transformer from the circuit. In addition to using a potential transformer to allow for safe metering of power there are also many other popular potential transformer applications. Let our potential transformer specialists use their many years experience to assist you in selecting and ordering your potential transformer today. Our staff are standing by and happy to help. Custom Potential Transformer Voltage Combinations Available We Supply A Wide Varietyof High Quality Power TransformerModels TEMCo TransformerManufacturer Distribution: High Quality, Efficient, Fast Turnaround of CustomTransformers Manufactured to your Specs!
State-of-the-Art. Potential Transformer Manufacturer Offering Top Quality at. Wholesale Prices is important. For Wye systems, th |