The Popular Science Apparatus workshops is an ISO 9002 company belongs to a fast growing 'PSAW' group of companies which was established in year 1974 at Ambala Cantt, a developing Industrial town of Haryana. The group of companies is engaged in the manufacturing of wide range of Precision equipments for:
Fixed condenser Boxes PSAW (1056)
High quality silver mica, paper polyester and metal film condenser are mounted on the bakelite plate fitted in a steel plate fitted in a steel turf bakelite case. Two 4 mm socket terminals are
provided. Working voltage 250 V for 0.01 mfd to 2 mfd capacitors and we use paper polyster capacitors up to this range. Working voltage 350 V for 5 mfd to 40 mfd capacitors and we use electrolytic
capacitors up to this range.
1) 0.01 to 0.1 mfd (any one range)
2) 0.2 to 0.5 mfd (any one range)
3) 1 mfd
4) 2 mfd
5) 5 mfd
6) 10 mfd
7) 20 mfd
8) 40 mfd
9) 60 mfd
Fixed condenser Boxes PSAW (1056) |