L.T. Shunt Power Capacitors to 25 KVAr in single units of 415/440V, 50 Hz
L.T. Shunt Power Capacitors (Sign phase and Two phase)
Cylindrical Power Capacitors (Using Aluminium cans)
Heavy Duty Double Dielectric L.T. Shunt Power Capacitors.
Special Heavy Duty Double Dielectric L.T. Shunt Power Capacitors.
Capacitors for Motor run application, Discharge Lamp Circuits, Washing Machines, UPS/CVT systems, Refrigeration Air conditioning etc.,
Capacitors for special applications including 6 terminal type and also as per customer requirements.
Capacitor Banks - above 25 KVAr by using Aluminium or Copper Bus bars
L.T. Shunt Power Capacitors to 25 KVAr in single units of 415/440V, 50 Hz |