High Voltage capacitor units for power factor correction and harmonic filters are enclosed in metal containers fitted with porcelain capacitor bushings. Basically these are of two types:Single Phase(One or Two Bushings) capacitor units with internal element fuses sutiable for connection of power system network of 11 kv and above or with high voltage power machines.Three phases(Three bushings) capacitor units with internal element fuses for connection to power system bus bars or equipments with voltage rating preferably less than 11 kv.Construction:The internal construction of a capacitor unit constitutes a group of single phase capacitor elements of suitable capacity. A number of such elements are connected in series-parallel to obtain designed power & voltage ratings. The number of groups of elements connected in series determines the voltage ratings and the number of parallel elements in a series group determines the power(kva) rating of capacitor units.The capacitor units are manufactured with " All film technology". Capacitor elements are wound with bi-axally oriented hazy polypropylene films of low losses and extended aluminium foils. This technology has replaced the previous paper films, (mixed di-electric) capacitors to reduce di-electric loss considerably. The capacitor losses are as low as 0.15 W/kva and in addition in case of an internal short circuit, the risk of case rupture and explosion is also avoided. In conventional capacitors, paper produced gases of abnormal level raises the internal pressure to dangerous level.