IntroductionCommon electrical disturbances include malfunctioning of PCs, sudden and frequent dimming of lights, incorrect analysis by electronic equipment, blinking of digital readouts and disturbance of TVs or audio systems.For proper functioning of any electronic equipment, therefore, it is essential that it should get 'clean'power supply, free from interference.ApplicationCOMPUTER SYSTEMS & ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITERSPHOTOCOPYING, FACSIMILE & PHOTOGRAPHIC MACHINESTVs, VCRs & HOME APPLIANCESPROCESS CONTROL, MEDICAL & TEST EQUIPMENTSpecial Features5 AMP RESETTABLE CIRCUIT BREAKER OR FUSE OPTION.SAFETY ILLUMINATED ON / OFF SWITCH3 OUTLETSPOWDER - COATED METALLIC BODYTechnical SpecificationsVOLTAGE RATING210 - 275 V / 50 HZAMPERE RATING5 AMPSWATTAGE RATING1250 WMETAL OXIDE VARISTOR3 NOS.CLAMPING VOLTAGE375VEMI & RFI SUPPRESSION0.1 TO MHZSPIKE SUPPRESSION8KVAPEAK CURRENT6000 AMPS /20 uSECREACTION TIME5 nSECSURGE DISSIPATION50 JOULESOPERATING TEMPERATURE-40 C TO 30 CExtra GuaranteeWe guarantee our products against manufacturing defects for a period of 12 months from the date of original dispatch, provided that the goods are returned to our works carriage paid.Annual Maintenance ContractOffered by us for Post-Warranty period.Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice.Owing to our policy of continuous improvements instructions supplies may differ in minor details from those described in this publication.
IntroductionCommon electrical disturbances include malfunctioning of PCs, sudden and frequent dimming of lights, incorrect ana |