FEATURESThe plastic material used carries UnderwritersLaboratory flammability recognition 94v-0Integrally molded heats provide very low thermalresistance for maximum heat dissipation.Universt 4-way terminals; snap-on, wraparoundaround, solder or P.C.board mountingSurge overload rating to 400 AmperesTerminals solderable per MIL-STD-202,Method 208Typical Soderable guaranteed:250oC/10 second/.375"solt Voltage from case to terminal over 2500 voltsCHENG-YIELECTRONICVOLTAGE RANGE50 TO 1000 VOLTS PRVCURRENT15.25.35. AmperesMAXIMUM RATINGS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS0 Ratings at 25 C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.Single phase, half wave, 60Hz