Single-Chip, Ultra-Low Power
240RGB x 320 Gate Matrix
Active Color LCD Controller-Driver
The UC8230s handles 262,144 TFT colors and
can drive a TFT color liquid crystal display of 240
RGB x 320 dots with an incorporated RAM
compliant to graphics display of 240 RGB x 320
dots at maximum, and a 720-channel source
driver outputs. The UC8230s incorporates a gate
driver and a power circuit for driving liquid crystal
display to drive a TFT panel with a single chip.
The UC8230s bit-operation functions, 8/9/16/18-
bit high-speed bus interface, and high-speed
RAM-write functions enable efficient transfer of
data and high-speed data update on a graphics
RAM. The UC8230s 6/16/18-bit RGB interface
to 0) and VSYNC interface (system interface +
VSYNC) provide an interface for moving picture
With a window address function that facilitates
the moving picture display in an arbitrary area
and enables simultaneous display of moving
pictures and the contents of the internal RAM, the
UC8230s enables moving picture display not
constrained by the still picture area. Accordingly,
the data transmission is reduced to minimum,
thereby saving power consumed by a system as
a whole when displaying moving pictures.
The UC8230s supports power-saving operation
up to the power supply voltage of 2.5V with a
voltage follower circuit that generate voltage to
drive liquid crystal. The UC8230s also
incorporates 8-color display and standby
functions that allow precise power control by
These features make this LSI the ideal solution
for any medium or small-sized portable batterydriven
products such as digital cellular phones
supporting browsers or small PDA, where
long battery life and board size are major concern.
Cellular Phones and other battery operated
hand held devices or portable Instruments.
Liquid crystal controller/driver for 262,144
TFT-color 240RGB x 320-dot graphics
Single chip solution for a TFT display panel
System interface
8-/9-/16-/18-bit high-speed bus interface
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
8-bit transmission x 3 times (262k/65k
color modes)
Interface for moving picture display
6-/16-/18-bit RGB interface (VSYNC,
VSYNC interface (System interface +
Window address function to write data to
the rectangular area of RAM specified by
the window address
Interface to facilitate moving picture
display in an arbitrary area
Reduce data transmission by
transmitting only the data for the moving
picture display area
Simultaneous display of moving pictures
and the contents of the internal RAM
Functions for controlling abundant color
Simultaneous availability of 262,144
colors with --correction function
Line-unit vertical scrolling
Single-Chip, Ultra-Low Power 240RGB x 320 Gate Matrix Active Color LCD Controller-Driver |