bit hence the snowy picture but you can see the excess solder on the footprint clearly.
manufacturers do this in any case, so this is what the PCB looks like - enlarged quite a
Firstly the PCB must be tinned and excess solder removed with a hot air gun. Most PCB
placing system is just less shaky than your hand and a wee bit faster.
No wonder they charge what they do to put these on for you. Their component
do not think automatic pick and place processes does not have problems with these chips.
But there are a few conditions that must be met for you to be able to do this. Also,
Soldering these IC's is really no problem. You just haven't been showed how to do it yet.
have a choice, in most cases, to choose between different packages for the same device.
the larger and faster these processors become the smaller they get. Fortunately one do
become so small you can barely see the pins properly unless you use a magnifying glass. It seems
For many people using these fine pitched IC's has become a problem since their pin pitch has
Fortunately one do have a choice, in most cases, to choose between different packages for the same device. |