The Developer's Kit is installed with the user's choice of a specific Magellan Motion Processor. The kit also includes PMD's powerful Pro-Motion GUI, an interactive Windows based exerciser and data capture program, and C-Motion, which simplifies the development of motion applications.
PMD's Magellan Motion Processor Developer's Kit is an integrated board and software package used to develope application software and to exercise the system's hardware components. To construct a complete general-puprose motion exercisor/test bed, only an external amplifier is needed.
Description |
PCI 4-axis motion card Supports all Magellan Motion Processors |
Combines Web Wireless Detecting Kit of MaxStream zigbee and Rabbit RCM3720 ...
Come From sinpro
Two versions of the Magellan are offered. The multi-motor MC58000 Series can control DC brush, brushless DC, microstepping and pulse and direction motors with motor type selectable on a software, axis by axis basis. The MC55000 Series is dedicated to pulse and direction output. ...
Come From Performance Motion Devices,Inc
Two versions of the Magellan are offered. The multi-motor MC58000 Series can control DC brush, brushless DC, microstepping and pulse and direction motors with motor type selectable on a software, axis by axis basis. The MC55000 Series is dedicated to pulse and direction output. ...
Come From Performance Motion Devices,Inc