NMP4000 operates on low voltage condition such as 1.8V core voltage and 3.3V I/O voltage. NMP4000 is integrated 2channel stereo ADC input and 4channel serial audio data with ASRC(Asynchronous Sampling Rate Convertor). And combining use of built-in full channel mixer and biquad filters can make additional preprocessing like DRC(Dynamic Range Compression), 3D surround effecter, 5 band GEQ and other essential signal preprocessing features. NMP4000 drives stereo speaker (850mW per channel into an 8ohm load, 4.2V supply) and stereo headphone output (50mW per channel into a 16ohm load, 3.3V supply) with high SNR and dynamic range up to 100dB. In addition, NMP4000 can select either the single-ended or virtual ground solution in stereo headphone output mode.