Illustration of TLC's patented epi-process
TLC designs, develops, manufactures and sells advanced semiconductor wafers, MMIC integrated circuits, modules and related products.
TLC has 3 product centers (wafers, MMIC chips, modules) that individually provide products to our customers.
MMIC Chips & Packages
TLC specializes in Innovative (20 to 100 GHz) MMW
- Oscillators (VCO, DRO, ILO, PLO)
- Phase Modulators (QPSK & Infinite Bit Linear Phase Shifters)
- Multipliers (2x through 8x)
- Transceivers & Antennas (20-100 GHz)
with packaging and research and development capabilities upon request. These key products and services are complemented with a series of amplifiers, mixers, switches, antennas and optical
devices. TLC's objective is to provide MMW products and support that contribute to our MMW customers.
For special projects, TLC synergizes the 3 centers to vertically integrate their advanced epi-wafer growth through MMW MMIC design and fabrication and MMW subassembly.
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