Priority Signature Support is available for this product. See the Technical Support fact sheet for details.
The HPE720 has Board Support Package (BSP) support for VxWorks 6.x and Linux 2.6.x with associated APIs for ease of customer development. Our FusionIPC, Inter-Processor Communication software stack
for Distributed Multi-Processing (DMP) systems, and FusionXF FPGA Development Kit are supported on the HPE720.
Designed from the ground up for rugged deployment, the HPE720 can be used in commercial, extended-temperature convection-cooled, and liquid-cooled (LFT) environments.
Architecturally, the HPE720 is a quad processor Digital Signal Processing engine for VPX/VPX-REDI (VITA 46/VITA 48). Two of these processor elements are combined into a single, highly integrated
Freescale Power Architecture MPC8641D CPU. The other two processors are the two Xilinx Virtex-5 (LX220/330T or SX240T) FPGA devices. It is this CPU/FPGA combination that makes the HPE720 so
powerful by leveraging the advantages of each technology. The FPGAs also maintain the VPX/VPX-REDI multi-gigabit serial communications. Both FPGAs are user programmable and we provides tools,
examples and utilities to simplify code development.
The MPC8641D PowerPC processor supports 2 GB of DDR II SDRAM. The HPE720 utilizes four independent banks of QDR II SRAM for each FPGA that are each 9MB in capacity. These banks of memory are each
36-bits wide. The HPE720 has two independent banks of 256MB DDR II SDRAM per FPGA. Each bank of DDR II is 32-bits wide. The HPE720 has up to 128MB of NOR FLASH.
Input/output is provided through a number of channels including gigabit Ethernet ports, FMC/XMC/PMC for a wide choice of I/O options, RS232 ports or VPX serial I/O for interboard communications.
The HPE720 provides flexible front panel I/O with support for either two FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC/VITA 57) site connected to the FPGAs or one FMC site and one XMC/PMC site. The XMC/PMC site
supports PCI-X, and PCI Express, and Serial RapidIO (sRIO) options. Direct FPGA I/O is also provided through a parallel backplane-connected port for very high I/O speed. A sRIO fabric switch
provides the quad Serial RapidIO x4 connectivity to the backplane.
The HPE720 high performance hybrid processing engine coupling two Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGAs with a dual-core Freescale Power Architecture MPC8641D . With its combination of high performance CPU and twin FPGAs, this DSP product provides leading edge performance with flexible high-bandwidth I/O. This 6U VPX board is available in an air-cooled version with VxWorks or Linux board support packages. The HPE720 also supports the FusionIPC Inter-Processor Communication software stack for Distributed Multi-Processing (DMP) systems.
6U VPX Hybrid Processor Board with dual Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGAs and a MPC8641D
Dual Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGAs (LX220/330T or SX240T) |