Single-Chip, Ultra-Low Power
80COM x 104SEG Matrix
Passive LCD Controller-Driver
UC1612 is an advanced high-voltage mixedsignal
CMOS IC, especially designed for the
display needs of low power hand-held devices.
This chip employs UltraChips unique DCC
(Direct Capacitor Coupling) driver architecture
and LRM (Line Rate Modulation) gray-shade
modulation scheme to achieve near crosstalk
free images, with well balanced gray shades.
In addition to low power COM and SEG drivers,
UC1612 contains all necessary circuits for high-V
LCD power supply, bias voltage generation,
temperature compensation, timing generation
and graphics data memory.
Advanced circuit design techniques are
employed to minimize external component counts
and reduce connector size while achieving
extremely low power consumption.
Cellular Phones and other battery operated
palm top devices or portable Instruments
Single chip controller-driver for 80x104
matrix STN LCD with 4 gray shades and
B/W Mode.
Partial scroll function to support flexible
manipulation of screen data.
Support both row ordered and page_c
(page column) ordered display buffer RAM
Support industry standard 4-wire (S8),
3/4-wire (S8uc) serial bus and
8-bit parallel bus (8080 or 6800).
Special driver structure and gray shade
modulation scheme. Consistent low power
consumption under all display patterns.
Fully programmable Mux Rate, partial
display window, Bias Ratio and Line Rate
allow many flexible power management
Four software programmable frame rates
up to 204Hz.
Software programmable 4 temperature
compensation coefficients.
On-chip Power-ON Reset and Software
RESET command make RST pin optional.
Self-configuring 7x charge pump with onchip
pumping capacitors. Only 3 external
capacitors are required to operate.
Flexible data addressing/mapping schemes
to support wide ranges of software models
and LCD layout placements.
Very low pin count (9~10 pins with S8)
allows exceptional image quality in COG
format on conventional ITO glass.
Many on-chip and I/O pad layout features to
support optimized COG applications.
VDD (digital) range (Typ.): 1.8V ~ 3.3V
VDD (analog) range (Typ.): 2.6V ~ 3.3V
LCD VOP range: 5.4V ~ 11.2V
Available in gold bump dies
Bump pitch: 45 M
Bump gap: 15 M
Bump surface: 2,205 M2
Single-Chip, Ultra-Low Power 80COM x 104SEG Matrix Passive LCD Controller-Driver |