cwe are supplying different brand of laptop parts, contact us when you are in search of any specified laptop parts with part number...
For more information, please send your inquiry to us asap.
AOL: speedlaptopparts
Contact us if you are interested in buying laptop parts such as:
LCD Panel;LCD inverter;LCD Hinges;LCD CCFL; DVDRW;Keyboard; system board; DDR/sdr, power adapter,battery
DC Power jack, BGA Chips, Soldering Paste; reballing station;Bga soldering balls, Stencils; Mothboard testing card, Battery tester; Battery Charger, Rework Station;
********************************************************************************************************************************Part number:218S2EBNA42 218S2EBNA43 218S2EBNA44 218S2EBNA45 218S2EBNA46
IXP150 218S2EBNA46 CPU chipset