* Backlight operation is dependent on capabilities and current requirements of the driven LCD module.
5-volt operation with less than 5mA current consumption (backlight off)
Fast bargraph displays (up to the full width of the display) can be anchored on the left side or right side. Fast enough to display stereo audio levels!
Onboard non-volatile memory allows you to save custom messages and then recall/display them with a short command.
Built-in special functions include scroll up, scroll down, set backlight, select line, display bargraph, cursor appearance, change I2C address, save/recall strings.
Use standard commands compatible with Hitachi HD44780 or our easy-to-understand special protocol to control the display
User-programmable boot screen memory allows a custom message to be displayed on power up.
80-character buffered communication.
Change I2C slave address via jumpers or with a software command.
Synchronous serial I2C input up to 400K bps.
Compatible with both RS-232 (+/- 12V) and TTL (0-5V) levels.
Jumper-selectable input inversion for use with either True Mode or Inverted Mode Serial. Connect directly to a PC serial port or to an output pin on a microcontroller.
Asynchronous serial supported at baud rates of 2400, 9600, 19200, and a blistering 57600. (jumper selectable)
Software-controlled, variable backlight (Off to Full Brightness in 256 steps).*
The Controller offers both dual-row and single-row header patterns for connecting LCDs of various configurations. Header pins and double sided tape are included to facilitate mounting. LCD is not included.
1-9 | $24.95 |
10-24 | $20.00 |
25-99 | $17.50 |
100+ | $12.50 |
The melabs Serial LCD Controller (SLCDC) can drive displays that use the Hitachi HD44780 or equivalent chipset. It accepts serial data from either asynchronous RS232-style or synchronous I2C input. A range of baud rates from 2400 to 57,600 are available and the serial data is buffered so that no delay is necessary when transmitting data to the SLCDC.
melabs Module - $24.95
melabs Serial LCD Controller Module - $24.95 |