The R-PSU converters the -48V rectifier input into the voltagesrequired by the common control equipment and lines cards located atthe RST. In addition, the R-PSU generate sing wave ringing voltagefor use by the subscriber interfaces. The output frequency is softwareprovisional. The R-PSU uses a DC to Dc switching converter for highefficiency and low thermal dissipation. Only one R-PSU is requiredto power an RST shelf, however, an additional card slot is providedfor a redundant R-PSU.The R-PSU could work parallel to provide uninterrupted service ifone unit should fail. The ringing generator provides single endedinquiry.LEDs located on the R-PSU front panel indicate ACTV (green),FUSE (red), and FAIL (red). The unit also provides alarm and statusindications to the CPU. Test jacks on the front panel allow themonitoring of system voltages.Features- High efficiency switching DC-DC converter- Software provisionable ringing frequency and voltage- Reverse polarity protection- Over-Voltage / Over-current shutdown- Low voltage alarm- Low thermal dissipation- Low voltage disconnect
The R-PSU converters the -48V rectifier input into the voltages |