The Fiber Optic Transceiver interfaces to a single mode Fiber Span,transmitting and receiving the voice or data originating from thechannel units in the subscriber slots of the LET and RST as well asE1 metallic transceiver data. The FO-XCVRs transmission rate is49.152 Mbps. The unit contains both transmitter and receiver on asingle card, each connecting to a fiber-optic cable.The FO-XCVR uses a single mode fiber with a laser operating at1310 nm and PINFET receiver to allow un-repeatered span lengths ofup to 60 kilometers. The FO-XCVR may be used on multimode cablewith a decreased span length. Single mode FC/PC connectors areused for their compact size. The FO-XCVR uses compact hybridmicro-electronic circuitry to improve operating reliability.There are three LED indicators on the Fiber Optic Transceiver frontpanel. The green ACTV LED indicates that the unit is in service andshould not be removed. A red FAIL LED indicates that the unit hasfailed. A blue SYNC LED provides indication of lockedsynchronization.Features- Single Fiber-Optic Interface per unit- 1310 nm Single mode laser- Pinfet receiver( -34 dBm sensitivity)- Capable of transmitting and receiving over fiber spandistances of approximately 60km- Temperature/age compensated- m Processor controlled and monitored- Link performance monitoring- Alarm retrieval- Low power dissipation- Automatic attenuation (no pads required)