A. Multi source to setup Production Schedule: i. Sales Order ii. Open Order iii. Sales Forecast iv. Production Plan v. Manual Entry B. Able to select different Route and re-process C. Configuration Factor which will affect Production Schedule: i. Defect Rate ii. On Hand Balance iii. Safety Stock iv. Machine Setup Time v. AR Lead Time vi. Outgoing Area Lead Time D. Production Schedule can be according to Machine Capacity(from Expected Delivery Date, system will calculate backwards to determine when 1st Work Centre process to begin) OR E. Production Schedule can be based on Free Date(System will calculate schedule forward based on Machine availability) F. User definable % for Contingency Planning - User can schedule production quantity additional % for contingency purposes G. User define machine to use or system suggest H. Editable scheduling quantity I. Change of machine to suite user requirement J. Auto Sub Schedule for Work In Progress from Master item. To provide complete schedule info for Production Planner K. Comprehensive drill down feature for item schedule L. Pre-scheduling. Enquiry of work center capacity by just define require date range M. Linking to sub contractor with generation of Job Order if in house capacity overloaded