Use televisions or monitors to publish keno results and advertising everywhere in your hotel and casino. Choose the style and size of display that fits your needs. You are not limited to any one
manufacturer, supplier or dealer. Broadcast on your existing cable system or anywhere you can route a Composite, RF or RGB video cable. There are no limits to the number of displays you can
Dynamic Video Signs are ideally suited
to display your Keno results.
The Keno Board backgrounds are customizable and they can even vary with each game. It is easy create unique themes or personalize the look of your displays. Advertisement or casino information can
be displayed between games. While an on screen clock counts down to the next game.
Customized Appearance
The next generation in Keno Displays have arrived. Three-dimensional Keno Balls drop on to the screen one at a time. Then each ball follows a curved path as it falls back onto the Keno Board. When
the ball reaches the appropriate location the numbered box flashes briefly. Status messages let players know the current game number, when a game has ended and when the next game will begin. Click
here to see an animated example.
Keno Displays
for the Digital Age
The next generation in Keno Displays have arrived. Three-dimensional Keno Balls drop on to the screen |