DAN manufactures LED based production monitoring display systems forindustries to monitor the production achieved in the factory. Thesesystems are available in various formats like daily, weekly
and monthlymonitoring basis. The goals (Targets) can be adjusted through pushbutton switch or through PC. The actual achieved counter can beconfigured to auto increment or use an external sensor.
These easily be seen across the room. These counters feature highly accuratecount. Real time may be displayed on these production Display boards,
when not using the counter function. Two basic types of displays areavailable: high brightness bar segment and ultra bright discrete LED.High Brightness displays are available in red while ultra
brightdisplays are available in red, blue & green. The standard highbrightness bar segment displays are ideal for indoor applications butthey could not be seen in direct or highly reflected
sunlight. However,ultra bright displays are viewable in both indoors and outdoors, evenin direct sunlight. The brightness of display board can be controlleddigitally as per cabinet conditions.
Software is available for the easeto configure and control the display.
Key Features of Production Monitoring Display System :
DAN manufactures LED based production monitoring display systems for industries to monitor the production achieved in the factor
Place of Origin: | Delhi India |