For an independent assessment of what you should be using
Whether screen or projector, we are experts in keeping up to date with the latest technological developments. We specify and simplify the latest technology from a whole range of leading suppliers across all types and sizes of TV screens and projectors. Because we are not tied to any one particular manufacturer, we can offer an unbiased overview of whats available on the market.
One youve decided on the core AV system we can advise on a range of accessories that complete the job to your satisfaction.
Will my displays be most effective wall, ceiling or floor mounted? Do I have special security issues in protecting my equipment? How can I mount my projection film? Is it important that my whole display is smartly presented? Do I need a portable display?
There are a whole variety of variables to take into account when considering which option to choose. The light conditions, the space available, size of audience, type of content... these are just some of the key factors influencing your decision.
Projectors vs. large-format screensWhat you are trying to achieve with your images? What space and light conditions do you have? What size of picture are you after? Do you want a frame or not? What type of content do you want to show?
Visual Displays
Visual Displays Projectors vs. large-format screens |