Portable Display Unit displays information related to the consumer, such as:
Total Consumption Reading
Tariff Consumption Reading
Active Tariff & Expiration Time
Power Demand
Switching Element Status
Power Limit
Water and Gas consumption
Prepayment balance
Prepayment receipt information.
Real Time Clock
STS input
The Portable Display Unit is a plug-in or wall mounted unit, plugged in any place outlet within customer premises.
This unit is a two-way unit, receiving and transmitting data over the power lines (PLC).
Features :
Displays various customer and network information.
Includes a real time clock updated periodically by the concentrator.
Optical port for maintenance operations.
Directly energized by the power lines.
Low power consumption.
LCD display.
Small physical dimensions.
Mounted on the wall or placed upright
STS code input.
STS input after disconnection of power.
Displays scrolling messages in the bottom line.
Message length up to 256 characters.
General or individual message.
Buzzer to draw customer attention
Buzzer remote disabling command.
Portable Display Unit displays information related to the consumer, such as: Total Consumption Reading,Tariff Consumption |