GSM / GPRS Based Display Wireless Communication
For remote data entry, wireless controls to display any desired information, data, message, news flash, natural hazard warning etc.conveniently by SMS from a MOBILE PHONE, or a PC to any location
through out India, wherever the GSM network is available.
- Its a complete wireless setup and no requirement of physical connection. No distance barriers will be there and hence provides full flexibility to the user to operate the display Board from
anywhere within seconds.
- User can transmit the data on to the display boards through their mobiles or through the PC in SMS mode.
- User has to provide one activated SIM card for the GSM module attached with the display board if the user is transmitting the data through their mobile phone.
- If the user wants to use PC interface for the transmission of data, then the user has to provide two activated SIM cards. One for the GSM transmitter and another for the GSM receiver.
- One GSM Module is attached with the PC, which will act as GSM transmitter,and another GSM module is attached with the Display Board, which will act as GSM receiver.
- These modules will be secured from the unauthorized access.
- No body other than the authorize person can transmit the data on the display board.
- The GSM receiver will erase the data from the SIM Card after receiving and reading the data from the GSM transmitter. So no hang-ups will be there as SIM Cards memory will be always free to
receive the data.
Simply you can Send a message from mobile to displays on our GSM based LED Moving Message Displays.