In any large scale manufacturing industry, it will be very crucial to monitor the production on an hourly basis or at an interval that may vary from one industry to another. It is a common
scenario in all these industries that there will be a noticeable difference between production plan and actual production. There may be several causes for the difference, but ultimately it
reflects on the overall production performance.
Factory production information system will help the management to easily track the day to day and shiftwise production details on their tabletops and helps the production supervisors to
motivate the team to achieve the set target and meet the quality requirements within the shift.
Hardware features
The hardware fetches the data from the sensors and transmits to the PC software. This data is then manipulated by the software and is driven to the electronic display boards which are fitted at
different parts of the factory. The electronic display may be of any of the following types
32 digits numeric data on a 4 height 7 segment display
32 digits numeric data on a 6 height 7 segment display
32 digits numeric data on a 10 height 7 segment display
64 digits numeric data on a 4 height 7 segment display
64 digits numeric data on a 6 height 7 segment display
64 digits numeric data on a 10 height 7 segment display