Each call queue can have its own service level goals. Unacceptable service levels trigger an audio warning and change the color of the numeric display to red, exceptional service levels change the
color of the numeric display to green, and a one hundred percent service level triggers a reward sound.
Color and sound encourage exceptional customer service.
Choose any style or size of television you require. You are not limited to any one manufacturer, supplier or dealer. Your ACD display can be broadcast on an in-house cable system or anywhere you can route a Composite or RF video signal. And there are no limits to the number of displays you can use.
Television is ideally suited to display
data fromyour ACD system.
Customers expect a fast response from your call center. Our television based displays provide management with vital ACD statistics and help motivate your employees. Traditional single or multiple line LED displays have many limitations. These include limited font sizes, colors and number of messages. Large LED signs are also expensive and they use proprietary communication schemes that limit your options.
What's the status of your
ACD network?
Customers expect a fast response from your call center. Our television based displays provide management |