The LCD displays on these controls are equipped with high-resolution TFT LCD and the most up-to-date capacitive touch interface. They include a microphone and speakers (perfect for intercom systems), and are capable of displaying full-motion video from external sources. The surface is smooth and scratch resistant, so durability is not a concern. Both touch panels come in a variety of colors, styles and themes to satisfy the tastes of each customer.
We look forward to seeing new touch panels at this years CEDIA Expo, as they have introduced two Tabletop Touch Panels. First, there is the 9-inch TTP-109B, and theyve also introduced the 13-inch TTP-113B. Both touch panels feature a user-friendly, intuitive capacitive touch interface that integrates light switches, thermostats, security keypads, and multi-zone audio controls.
Two New Touch Panels for Savant
Mounting projectors gets easier, as has already started shipping their newest dual stud short throw mounts. |