- Optional Units:
recall timer
goal lights control unit
acoustic system.
game moments.
scoreboard - team names, score, period, game time, penalty time.
video display - computer graphics and animation, digital video, full-color live video, TV reviews of the most interesting
- Features:
multi-line display - messages in static and "scrolling" modes (information about players, advertisements, etc.);
- sports events, concerts and shows.
- scoreboard - 8 pcs.
- multi-line display - 4 pcs.
The complex is an assembly of several parts:
- video display - 4 pcs.
by e-mail. --
Company provides technical support of the produced equipment. New software versions are placed on the ftp-server of the company and they are accessible for all users. Our specialists will answer all you questions and you can get our price-list
New technical and assembly solutions are realized in projects, developed by the company's experts specially for definite arenas and tenders. News inform of the latest developments, of new models and important events in the company's life. The company has a great experience in sports information equipment manufacture. Sets of judicial-information equipment developed and produced almost for all kinds of sport. Sports centers in more than 100 cities of Russia, Byelorussia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania and Canada.
Our company produces various models for any application: for stadiums, for sports events and combats, business displays, video displays, mobile video frames, electronic clocks.
The project, specially worked out for the Ice Hockey World Championships held in St.- Petersburg, 2000.--
The project, specially worked out for the Ice Hockey World Championships held in St. -Petersburg, 2000.