lines of 21 characters with 53mm high font
* Technology: LED
* Format: Full Dot Matrix(Alpha Numeric)
* Character Height: 53-243.84mm
* Character Color: Multicolor (one red and one green LED per pixel)
* Manifestation contents: Many Country Language and Pic.
* Pixel Size: 5mm
* Pixel Pitch: 7.62mm
* Pixel Resolution(whole sign): 32x128(HHxWW)
* LEDs per Pixel: 2
* Total LEDs (per side): 8,192
* Communication: RS232 (Can choose RS422/Ethernet/Wireless)
* Interface: Cable Connection
* Functionality: Message Display
* Power requirements: 110/240 Vac, Single phase.
* Most power: 150W
* Enclosure: Extruded Aluminium.
* Enclosure Color: Black
* Display size: 243.84x975.36mm(HHxWW)
* Approx dimensions: 313.84x1045.36x80mm(HHxWWxDD)
* Weight: 12.5Kg