NTC ThermistorsShibaura is an innovator in the field of negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors--sensors whose resistance decreases as temperature increases. The company was
the first to develop glass-sealed PSB (Pellet Shaped Bead) thermistors in 1973, and has continued its research and development in the field.
Shibaura NTC thermistors provide high stability thanks to the fine ceramic chip. The automated production process refined through Shibauras years of experience provide uniform shape and characteristics--as well as high cost performance. The glass seal provides high heat resistance and moisture tightness, while the small size provides fast response times. High performance and high quality--Shibauras NTC thermistors are the ideal choice for quality applications.
Micro size with nominal 0.53mm diameter. Thermal time constant is one second, 12 times faster than the 12 |