Ametek Power Instruments is a unit of Ametek, Inc., a global leader in advanced monitoring, testing, calibrating, and display instruments with annual sales of more than
US$1.8 billion.
Ametek Power Instruments incorporates companies you have come to know and trust your generation, transmission and distribution needs such as: Rochester Instruments,
Scientific Columbus, Panalarm, Pulsar and Gulton Statham.
Ametek Power Instruments designs and manufactures a full line of power and process monitoring equipment. It offers the industry a growing array of instruments used to
measure, monitor and record variables in the transmission and distribution of electric power. In addition, it has the industrys most extensive line of control room
annunciators, event monitors and graphic displays.
Custom-engineered electrical thermocouples and fiber-optic cables assembles are also available.
Ametek Power Instruments is a worldwide leader in the electric power generation and distribution industry with over 50 years of power industry experience. Its turbine engine
sensors and instruments are found on nearly every major turbine generator in the world.