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Varistor Thermistor Aluminum Capacitor Ceramic Capacitor
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Metal Oxide Varistors

TGE is a leading high-performance energy block (also called a metal oxide varistor, zinc oxide varistor, MOV blocks, MOV disks) manufacturer, zinc oxide varistor manufacturer TGE was founded in 2002, and the metal oxide varistors can meet the requirements of arresters that ...

Come From Xi'an Tiangong Electric Co.,Ltd

Zinc Metal Oxide Varistor Disc for Surge Arresters

ZnO resistor is the core element of the lightning arrester. It mainly protects power system equipment by limiting lightning overvoltage to ensure that the line does not trip. The performance indicators of ZnO resistors mainly include potential gradient, flow capacity and ...

Come From Guangdong Yufeng Industries Co.,Ltd

MOA Metal Oxide Varistor Surge Arresters

A metal oxide varistor surge arrester (MOA) is an electrical device that is designed to protect electrical systems and equipment from surges caused by lightning, switching operations, and other sources of overvoltage. The MOA technology utilizes a mov surge arrester (MOV) ...

Come From Guangdong Yufeng Industries Co.,Ltd