This is thin film, precision, chip resistor. A TCR of 2ppm/C and a tolerance of 0.05% is standard. TCRs of 1ppm/C, and5ppm/C and tolerances of 0.025% and 0.1% are also available. This is resistor uses Ni-Cr thin film deposited onto analumina ceramic substrate, resulting in long term stability and a very low TC. Applications include: Industrialmeasurement, control electronics and automatic test equipment.GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSModel Resistance TCR [ppm/C] Tolerance Resistance Value Power rating Working Voltages NQ1/8 10 to 33K 5 0.1% E96, E24 0.125W 50VDC or E=sqrt(PR) 100 to 33K 5 0.05% 100 to 33K 2 0.05% NQ1/4 10 to 62K 5 0.1% 0.25W 100VDC or E=sqrt(PR) 100 to 62K 5 0.05% 100 to 62K 2 0.05% CHARACTERISTICSOperating Temperature -55C to +125C Storage Temperature -55C to +125C Short time Overload [+-(0.05%+0.01ohms)] 2.5 times power rated, 5sec. Insulating Voltage [+-(0.05%+0.01ohms)] Withstanding Voltage [+-(0.05%+0.01ohms)] Heat shock [+-(0.05%+0.01ohms)] Vibration [+-(0.05%+0.01ohms)] Soldering Heat [+-(0.05%+0.01ohms)] 260C , 10 +-1 sec. Terminal Strength [+-(0.05%+0.01ohms)] Humidity [+-(0.05%+0.01ohms)] 40C, 90 to 95% RH, DC0.1W, 1000hrs. Load Life [+-(0.05%+0.01ohms)] 70C, Power rated, 90min. ON, 30min. OFF, 1000hrs. CHARACTERISTICSModel Dimension [mm] A B C D E NQ1/8 3.2
This is thin film, precision, chip resistor. A TCR of 2ppm/C |