These are high precision wire wound resistors, providing excellent stability over temperature and time.They use balanced multiple ? , low reactance windings employing an exclusive air cushion' technique, providing virtually stress free elements. They are non inductively' wound with the direction of windingreversed at the half turns point. They are suitable for most analogue precision circuits, e.g, gain setting,bridge balancing, voltage dividing, referencing , etc.GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSModel PowerRating [W] Resistance[&] Tolerance[%] MaximumVoltage OperatingTemp Temp. Coeficient PH04 0.4 1 to 56K [+-0.005(V)R>50&][+-0.01(T)R>10&][+-0.05(A)Re1&] 200 -30 to 100C [+-5ppm/CR>10&][+-10ppm/CR<10&] PH06 0.6 1 to 80K 300 PH08 0.8 1 to 200K 300 PH10 1.0 1 to 300K 600 PH12 1.2 1 to 500K 700 Model PowerRating [W] Resistance[&] Tolerance[%] MaximumVoltage OperatingTemp Temp. Coeficient T56E 0.125 10 to 27K [+-0.01(T)R>50&][+-0.05(A)R>10&] 150 -30 to 100C +-5ppm/C T55E 0.25 10 to 56K 200 T53E 0.5 10 to 180K 300 Model PowerRating [W] Resistance[&] Tolerance[%] MaximumVoltage OperatingTemp Temp. Coeficient C0603E 0.1 0.1 to 30K [+-0.02(Q)+-0.05(A)R>10&][+-0.1(B)Re1&] 60 -65 to 145C [+-20ppm/CRe10&][+-50ppm/C10>Re1&][+-90ppm/C1>Re0.1&] C0806E 0.125 0.1 to 125K 150 C1306E 0.15 0.1 to 225K 200 C2610E 0.4 0.1 to 1.2M 600 C2613E 1.0 0.1 to 1.5M 700 Model PowerRating [W] Resistance[&] Tolerance[%] MaximumVoltage OperatingTemp Temp. Coeficient C0806L 0.125 0.1 to 20K [+-0.02(Q)+-0.05(A)R>10&][+-0.1(B)Re1&] 60 -65 to 145C [+-20ppm/CRe10&][+-50ppm/C10>Re1&][+-90ppm/C1>Re0.1&] C1310L 0.25 0.1 to 240K 300 C1910L 0.33 0.1 to 450K 300 CHARACTERISTICS Values in [ ] mean change in ohmic value after testTest Limit Conditions C-E, C-L Series T Series PH Series Short Time Overload
These are high precision wire wound resistors, providing |