These components have excellent long term stability and can handle continuous current of up to 200A (0.1mR).These units have a low inductance, heavy copper terminals and 5W continuous power. Easily mounted usingreflow soldering, welding on copper or bolted onto cables or bus bars. Maximum soldering temperatures of350C/30sec. or 250C/10min. Applications include: KWh meters, energy metering, battery current sensing,high current automotive circuits and high current measurement in welding machines.SPECIFICATIONSModel Wattage Rating Resistance [ohms] Tolerance TCR PMS 5W 0.1m, 0.2m, 0.3m* +-5% <20ppm/(20-60C) CHARACTERISTICS Values in [ ] mean change in ohmic value after testTemperature Range -55C-140C Internal Heat Resistance <10K/W Inductance <1nH Load Life (nominal load) Deviation <0.5% after 2000hrs. @80C DIMENSIONS BVM-F [mm] Version ADIMENSIONS BVM-F [mm] Version BDIMENSIONS BVM-F [mm] Version DDERATING CURVE and POWER DEPENDENCE PULSE ENERGYORDERING PROCEDURE EXAMPLE
These components have excellent long term stability and can handle |